Channel: Invertebrate Zoology – Biology-Today.com
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Equipments needed for students in laboratory works

Each student, while coming to the laboratory for the practical work, is required to bring certain necessary equipments. However, it is not possible to list all what is required, but the following list...

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Structure and significance of Trochophore larva

STRUCTURE OF TROCHOPHORE LARVA Life cycle of many Polychaetes (Annelids) includes a free swimming trochophore larva. This larva is characteristic of many protostomous groups (e.g., molluscs)....

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Limulus: Horse-shoe crab or King crab

Limulus or king crab is a marine animal and found along the north western Atlantic Coast and the Gulf of Mexico. It lives on soft bottoms in shallow waters. During breeding season, both male and female...

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Distinguish between monogenetic and digenetic parasite

Parasite is an organism, animal or plant which depends for its survival on the other organism. The organism on which the parasite depends in called the host and the relationship between the two is...

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Protozoan dinoflagellates are not eukaryotes and some may be poisonous

The name pyrrophyte (meaning “fire plant”) refers to the bio-luminescence of many dinoflagellates. Dinoflagellates (meaning “terrible whip bearer”) refers to the fact that some species are poisonous....

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Polymorphism in human blood parasite Trypanosoma

It is found in Central and West African countries (Nigeria, Congo etc.). It is a blood parasite of man and gut parasite of tse-tse flies. It is transmitted from man to man mainly by the blood sucking...

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Why leeches are important?

Leeches are important to human being for so many reasons, which are as follows: As food: Certain fishes, ducks, and other birds, turtles etc. eat leeches. Leeches are also used as bait to catch fish....

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Life Cycle of Wuchereria bancrofti

Wuchereria bancrofti is a parasitic filarial nematode (roundworm) spread by a mosquito vector. It is one of the three parasites that cause lymphatic filariasis, an infection of the lymphatic system by...

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Entamoeba gingivalis: A mouth amoeba causing pyorrhoea in man

E. gingivalis, the mouth amoeba, is found in the tartar or plaque deposited around the bases of teeth and abscesses of gums, throat and tonsils in nearly 70% of human population. Its occurrence is more...

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Metagenesis in the life cycle of Obelia

In the life cycle of Obelia there is a regular alternation of hydroid and the medusoid phases. Medusae produce eggs which after fertilization develop into hydroids. The hyroids produce medusae by...

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What is Palmella stage in Euglena?

It is a stage occurring under unfavourable conditions in Euglena. Under unfavourable conditions the flagellum is thrown off and a number of Euglenae come together and become embedded in a gelatinous...

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General features of Euglena viridis

Classification Phylum – Protozoa (Acellular or unicellular) Subphylum – Sarcomastigophora (Flagella or pseudopodia or both present) Superclass – Mastigophora (One or more flagella present) Class –...

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Polymorphism in Porpita

Porpita is found in all seas. It is pelagic, floats on or near the surface. Its size ranges from 2 to 10 cm in diameter. It is regarded as an inverted polyp-its body is discoid and contains a flattened...

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Social Organisation of Termites

Medically termites are grouped under the order Isoptera. Termites have a highly advanced social organization and hierarchical structure. They are also public, and can be found in colonies of different...

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How is ciliary locomotion is performed in Paramecium?

Paremecium swims in the water rapidly (30-88 mm per minute) by beating its numerous cilia. It never swims in a straight line. It follows a spiral path and at the same time it continuously rotates about...

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Alternation of generation and metagenesis, in Obelia

In the life history of Obelia there is a regular alternation of hydroid and the medusoid phases. Medusae produce eggs which after fertilization develop into hydroids. The hydroids produce medusae by...

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Zoological Importance of Peripatus

From zoological point of views Peripatus is very important because it resembles both annelids and arthropods and contains some unique features also. It is regarded as a connecting link between annelids...

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Structure of Scypha or Sycon

Sycon is a marine calcareous sponge. It is worldwide in distribution. It is found attached to submerged rocks and other solid substrata in shallow waters near the coast. Due to its typical shape it is...

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What is wild life?

Wildlife includes all non-domesticated plants, animals and other organisms. Domesticating wild plant and animal species for human benefit has occurred many times all over the planet, and has a major...

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